Benvenuto caro lettore. Intanto ti fornisco qualche breve informazione sulla persona che si cela dietro le parole che stai per leggere. Mi chiamo Valentina e attualmente ho 16 anni. Abito a Reggio Emilia, una grigia e monotona città del Nord Italia che nessuno conosce. Qualche mese fa presi l'importante decisione di diventare un'exchange student, infatti trascorrerò 10 mesi in una bellissima cittadina vicino a Houston, Texas. Ho voluto aprire questo blog per avere a disposizione una valvola di sfogo, un luogo in cui poter essere quello che sono senza filtri. Detto questo buona lettura.

venerdì 18 dicembre 2015


Vorrei considerare questo come un piccolo 'extra'.
Circa una settimana fa ho avuto un cosiddetto 'essey' durante la classe di inglese in cuila consegna diceva: "Are individuals and society manipulated by money and materialism?"

Bene, oggi voglio condividere con voi la mia risposta, spero vi piaccia.

Our society has been manipulated by money and materialism more and more from the beginning of 20th century to the modern days thank to technological advancement that seems to has become an actual addiction. People, today, show a particular obsession for 'things' that certainly they don't need at all, just to feel that uncatchable satisfaction that is going to disappear once something else is missing. "We are living in an increasingly superficial society where material objects are discarded almost as soon as they appear, to be supplanted with more and newer or better objects" (Ludwig Lowestein). That must be true because most of the times we are so focused on what is going to happen next, that we forget to enjoy and be thankful for what we do have; that's called materialism.
But we are not the only society influenced by the power of money, in fact all this attachment to tangible things began with the 'boom' of technology discoveries in the 1920's, where wealthy families were continously judged by other rich people and cars, radios, clothes and houses became possessions to show off any time as possible. We have an example of this richness context in 'The Great Gatsby' book, where the theme of money is underlined in each chapter, even demostrating that a childish young woman would have chosen the security of wealth instead of true love.
Someone though could argue that money are necessary to live a decent life; that's absolutely right, but it doesn't mean that people are excused to forget what the real values are, as Daisy does when she cries over the expensive objects owned by Gatsby; we should see happiness on her face, since she found the 'missing love of her childood', but instead she just regrets what she could have had.
This is still happening in our daily lives, in which people are always unsatisfied and never grateful, because it seems that the grass is always greener somewhere else.

Se sei arrivato in fondo a questo primo, illeggibile pensiero in inglese, sei un temerario, i miei complimenti!

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